Specializing in Colon Hydrotherapy/Massage
Specializing in Colon Hydrotherapy/Massage
Vestta is a whole health centre located in Vancouver, BC, Canada. We believe prevention and maintenance are key to quality of health and aging. Our convenient location serve patients with colon hydrotherapy in Greater Vancouver and Lower Mainland as well.
Many sages and prophets teach that health begins in our intestines. Nutrient absorption and proper elimination are key to providing healthy cellular balance and balanced inner ecology. It is when things go out of balance our immune systems are compromised and disease sets in.
Undoing disease takes a longer time. Our bodies replenish every cell every 7 years with the resources and lifestyle presented in that period of time. Through our 15 years of experience in this field, we have witnessed that within 3 to 6 months of proper maintenance and rest, the body can restore homeostatic balance. Our colon hydrotherapy treatment options will help restore balance.
Take responsibility for your health. Get started today! Book an appointment or give us a call.

Our Therapists ;
Archer Jensan CCMT
Our Therapists ;
Archer Jensan CCMT

Passion for Renewal
Archer has a thorough understanding of the holistic health field and an intuitive healing touch. He practices and teaches Dietary Wellness, Colon Hydrotherapy and Restorative Yoga/Meditation. He also guides people to better health through massage, pH awareness, cleansing and better nutritional choices.
As a Colon Hydrotherapist, he is certified at the instructor level with IACT and nationally board certified with the NBCHT. Further certifications include Dark Field Microscopy and Holistic Ethical Financial Investments.
His Intuitive Touch Therapy includes: Jin Shin Jytsu, Zero Point and Light and Magnetic Therapy. His Yoga practice developed from various disciplines over the course of 20 years.
Archer has been involved in the natural health and healing field for over 25 years teaching people how to harness control over their own health and providing educational seminars on digestion, pH balance, juicing, raw and cooked foods that are gluten and GMO free, quality of water and the incredible benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
As a result of his own personal journey towards healing, Archer found methods in natural therapies of spinal rehabilitation, diet, herbs, wheatgrass, FODMAPS, fasting and colon hydrotherapy. He found peace of mind through learning meditation and discovering the benefits of oneness through a Sananda experience, Shambala, Tantric and Kundalini teachings. Once he experienced healing, he realized that his acquired knowledge could be a great value and benefit to others suffering from disease. By continuing his education and research, Archer has become accomplished at guiding others with the passionate message that it is possible to take responsibility for one's own health and well-being.
Archer’s mentors and literary guides include: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Yogi Bhajan, Wayne Dyer, Paul Check, Essene teachings translated by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, PSI teachings, Byron Katie, Louise Hay, Dr. Jensen, Dr. Schultz, Dr. Christopher, Dr. Anderson, Arnold Ehret, Herbert Shelton and Marshall Rosenberg.
From his personal experience, Archer understands the connection between unresolved emotions, emotional eating and digestive dysfunction. He also knows the value and importance of detoxification – physically, as well as mentally and emotionally. For him, this is a necessary part of his spiritual healing and journey. He brings his experience and passion for detoxification and healing into his work with others who want to improve their health and digestive function.
“We often spend more time cleaning our external world and that which we can see, but most important is our internal hygiene and outward projection to that which is the external.”
– Archer Jensan
Some Favorite Quotes include:
“The Earth laughs in flowers.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
“It seems we all agree that training the body through exercise, diet and relaxation is a good idea, but why don't we think about training our mind?” – Sakyong Mipham